All successful remodeling projects require good planning. Before a bathroom remodel, it is extremely important to plan things out ahead of time. Whether you will be working on a large or small bathroom remodeling project there are a few things that you must always consider before putting a hammer or any other tool through your bathroom walls.
Top 4 Things To Consider
1. First, you must think about what will be required in the bathroom, not just about what you want. You must consider things like the amount of floor space you will need, how much storage space you will need, where a towel rack should be set up, and so on.
2. Secondly, you will need to think about whether there will be any structural changes. If so, it is a must to measure all of the current positions of fixtures, tubs, showers, windows, doors, and so on. You should also consider if you want to move any doors, windows, or walls for a more effective bathroom design.
3. When you have decided what is required in your bath and whether or not you will need structural changes, you should consult with a bathroom remodeling contractor. Even if you do the work yourself, it is a good idea to consult with a contractor. They can give you professional advice about your bathroom remodeling projects, especially when it comes to plumbing fixtures and construction tips.
4. Next, draw out your plans. Take some graph paper and draw out your bathroom design. Doing this will help you better conceptualize your project, and it will allow you to see if your plans are realistic. It will also help you figure out how best to divide up the areas of your bathroom.
These simple steps will help you plan a successful bathroom remodel. Proper planning will ensure that your bathroom design ideas come to fruition.
Looking to find help in planning and execution of you bathroom remodel. Contact Freedom Builders & Remodelers (815) 985-0310
I think that you make a good point that you should see if you’ll need structural changes by talking with a bathroom remodeling contractor. Hopefully, we won’t need to, but we do want to switch where our shower is to the other wall. We’re trying to make it seem bigger and more luxurious than it actually is. We should find a contractor who’ll be able to help us know if what we’re suggesting is feasible or not and then put it in if it is.
Hi Amanda, Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Getting a budgetary estimate is a good start. You can’t go wrong with updating bathrooms, especially when optimizing the existing layout.
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